Annachiara Maffezzoli

Brand & Visual Designer
Portland, Maine

Window on the beach, Kid Again, Desolate Beach, Stairway to the Blue, Lifeguard Life, Under the Sun, Dangling Roots, Hills Palette, Tight Street, Support Local Businesses, Geometry of Shadows, Flaming Perspective, knock on bushes, the most challenging choice, Floating Solo, White in the Blue, Two Sisters, Clear Water, Umbrella, Connection, Ouch these Rocks, Freedom, Escaping Under the Sun, Ferry View, Ermo Colle, Lonely Balcony, Classics, The City of Infinity, Squeezing in the tiny street

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3
︎︎︎Travel Tales
  ©2022 Annachiara Maffezzoli